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1. How long will the route be and what streets will it encompass?

The route is 2.05 miles long (round trip).  The route will encompass E. Washington, E. 7th, E. Madison, E. 8th, and E. Adams Street (please see route below).  


2. What time will the streets close and re-open?

The streets will be closed at 5:45 p.m. and re-opened at 9:30 p.m.​


3. Where can I park before or during the event?​

Parking can be on any public street as long as it is not obstructing any driveways. NO cars are allowed on the route. ​VEHICLES WILL BE TOWED IF THEY ARE PARKED ON THE ROUTE AFTER 5:30p.m.​


4. Where will there be water stations on the route?

Water stations will be located at Linear Park and Market Square.


5. Where will the free bike rentals station be located?

The bike rental station will be located at the Brownsville Historic Museum parking lot located at 641 E. Madison Street. 


6. What do I need in order to rent out a bicycle?

Please provide a valid ID or Driver's License to rent out a bicycle.  A bike rental form will also need to be filled out.  


7. Where will there be restrooms on the route?​

Portable restrooms will be located at Washington Park,

Other restrooms will be available at the Parks and Recreation Center on  1338 E. 8th Street.


8. Will there be any free exercise classes on the route? â€‹

Physical activity stations will be available at Washington Park


9. Where will the food and artisan vendors be located?



Exercise and cycle safely on selected streets.




Streets will be available to residents for recreational and sport activities


Experience the city from a different perspective.




Engaging activities, vendors, and music for everyone.




CycloBia will need many volunteers to be successful. If you are interested in volunteering, please contact Christopher Nelson with the City of Brownsville Multimodal Transportation Department.

You can reach him either by phone at 956-541-4881 or via e-mail at  Volunteers can choose to help the day of the event only or the weeks before the event by helping with promoting the event.

We always appreciate the help.

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